Live Chat Rollout

This is a sample webpage that we are using to test the Live Chat widget.

Within several seconds, you should see the Live Chat widget on the lower right corner of this page.

As an agent, you should see be part of a Live Chat Team in Teams called ‘LRCCD Live Chat – XXX (Campus abbreviation, i.e. DO, ARC, etc).

Initially, make sure that you’re signed into Live Chat in the Teams channel as seen in the screenshot below. Select the Live Chat tab in the Team and select the Sign In button below.

Once you’re signed in, you will see incoming chat requests in the Posts tab and the Live Chat tab.

All agents will be alerted on new chat requests. You can either select the Join Chat button or Open Chat Console buttons (preferred).

Additional help can be found here:

Agents can also manage the chat conversations via the web browser, outside of Teams.

Currently, There are two Teams setup for testing purposes. LRCCD Live Chat – CRC and LRCCD Live Chat – DO.

A user is initially prompted for several questions before they can initiate a chat request. One of these questions is to select a campus. Based on this selection, the user is sent to that appropriate chat queue. We have the option to customize this as needed.