One of the options in your voicemail settings is to record a separate “away” voicemail greeting when you anticipate an extended time away from work and have the system automatically play your “away” greeting. Upon your return, you would need to dial into the system and turn the function off.
Turn the “Away” voicemail greeting ON
- Dial x3100 (916-568-3100 from a remote location) OR Dial x3102 if you have been moved to the Office 365 cloud (916-568-3102 from a remote location)
- Enter your voicemail PIN (you will need to enter your extension and PIN if calling from a remote location)
- Say “Personal Options”
- Press 1 to turn ON the “Away” greeting. The system will playback the default “Away” greeting and give you the option to record a personalized one. Follow the voice prompts to record a custom greeting.
Turn the “Away” voicemail greeting OFF
- Dial x3100 (916-568-3100 from a remote location) OR Dial x3102 if you have been moved to the Office 365 cloud (916-568-3102 from a remote location)
- Enter your voicemail PIN (you will need to enter your extension and PIN if calling from a remote location)
- Say “Personal Options”
- Press 1 to toggle OFF the “Away” greeting. The system will confirm that your “Away” greeting has been turned off.